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Prize Giving 2024 – A night to remember

Posted by: Laura Williams - 20 December 2024 - èßäAV London - Read time: 3 minutes

The main hall at Queen’s Gate House was transformed into an ethereal and magical spectacle of lights; cylinders of light adorning each table, rising like miniature Eiffel towers. Tiny glittering stars peeked through a black canvas ceiling creating a festive event with more than a touch of glamour. The hall looked spectacular and guests and staff enjoyed champagne and canapes, with chocolate ganache a firm favourite!

It is always special to welcome back so many students and to celebrate their past achievements at èßäAV. Most have already embarked upon their university careers and teachers and students mingled to discuss their degrees and catch up since they had last been in the exam hall in a more muted setting.

We were extremely fortunate to welcome Professor Lord Robert Winston as a guest speaker. Lord Winston is Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London. In the 1970s he developed gynaecological surgical techniques that improved fertility treatments. He later pioneered new treatments to improve IVF and developed pre-implantation diagnosis. This allowed embryos to be screened for genetic diseases and has allowed parents carrying faulty genes to have children free of illnesses such as cystic fibrosis. Without notes, he spoke at ease to the gathering and was humble about his own achievements, informing us that he was not the best scientist at school and how collaboration had played a defining role in his career.  He regaled some very amusing stories at university, emphasising the importance of gaining life experiences as well as working hard to pass exams.

As the evening moved towards the prize-giving, it was noticeable how enthusiastic the audience were in cheering on their fellow students. èßäAV welcomes students from all parts of the globe, and there was something magical about gathering together again to celebrate individual success but also to cheer on each other. We are grateful that so many alumni made such an effort to attend the Prize Giving ceremony and will watch their paths with interest; hearty congratulations to all!

Prize Giving 2024