
Get in touch
International Students

Academic Programme

Academic Programme

Our programme features seven exciting academic streams. Choose one stream to study for the two-week duration of the programme.


Sample timetables

"It's full of great memories. The trip to Oxford in the weekend was really fun because we did a lot of walking tours through different colleges and then we had free time to explore which was really really fun."

Giulia, Italy

"It has been a really great experience to be here (Summer School). The teachers are really supportive and kind. The same goes for my classmates who are amazing and filled with great ideas. They support me a lot and we have shared different cultures and discuss a lot of different perspectives that I could not learn in my home country – it has been really beneficial to my life."

Joseph, Thailand

"I liked the way how we were all the time discussing and giving our opinion of the topics that we were studying instead of focusing on the PowerPoint and copying the information."

Nahia, Spain

My Path; My Way

Innovative, interactive and inspiring life skills courses.

Social and Leisure

A wide range of exciting cultural and social activities in both cities.

High quality accommodation

Comfortable accommodation offers a home away from home.

Find out more


Request a Prospectus, Book an Open Event or Make an Enquiry