Congratulations to our GCSE students in the class of 2022! èßäAV Birmingham continues its tradition of success with an outstanding 93% of results at grades 9-4. Click below for the full set of results for this and previous years.
Academic Year 2021-2022
Grade (Number and Cumulative %) | ||||
9-7 | 9-4 | Other | Total | |
2021-2022 | 41 25% |
151 93% |
11 100% |
162 |
"I really appreciated the way in which my tutors trained me to answer exam questions in a limited time. It was really helpful. I also benefited from the small class sizes whereby we were given a lot of individual time and attention from our tutors. The weekly Timed Assignments were hugely beneficial as they gave me regular exposure to exam questions preparing me for the GCSE examinations. I was supported throughout this time by my Personal Tutor who kept track of my progress and provided me with revision schedules. I would recommend èßäAV to any student who wants to excel in their examinations. It’s a great place for picking up and developing academic skills."
Grades achieved at èßäAV: 9,9,8,8
"The teaching is beyond excellent and the effort to which teachers go to ensure an understanding of a topic and to ensure a student is happy with a topic is beyond commendable. There is a sense of not having to fear asking questions as the bond made between the student and the teacher gives you the confidence to approach a teacher when you require help. The learning is not only restricted to lessons, there is support available outside the classroom such as seeing a teacher personally to go over or indulge on a specific issue you are facing in a subject. This was one of the many things I admired about the college."
Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*A*A*A*AAAAA Progressed to: a two-year A level programme at èßäAV
“Getting into…’ University Guides
Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. èßäAV’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, èßäAV Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.