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Extended Project Qualification

Extended Project Qualification

What is it?

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) enables you to develop your interests outside of your main subjects of study. In conjunction with your supervisor, you choose a topic and a format for the project. The format can be a research-based essay (of between 4-5,000 words), a creative piece (such as a short play or short story), an artefact (such as a model) or a presentation (such as a portfolio of photographs or a performance). The most popular option is the essay. As an indication of the range of possibilities, titles have included “What are numbers?”, “What was the cause of the Rwandan genocide?”, “Why do people join cults?” and “How does early Victorian literature portray female insanity and how accurate is the representation of ‘mad women’?”

The distinctive and valuable feature of the EPQ is that you research and develop your project largely by yourself. Your supervisor will guide you and give you feedback on your project along the way but they will not teach you. You will typically not meet them more than once a fortnight. The EPQ is designed to help you develop the independent study skills you will need at university and beyond.

Whilst the content of the project will be directed by you, you will receive tuition on how to research and develop your project. For example, you will learn about how to use the internet efficiently, how to compile footnotes and a bibliography, how to avoid plagiarism and how to manage your time properly.

After agreeing a title on the basis of some preliminary research, you will work on your project and receive tuition into research skills over a period of two terms. You will be required to keep a diary of your progress and to fill out a production log on the way. Once your project has been submitted, you will give a short (10 minute) presentation introducing your project and summarising your reflections on the challenges you faced and the skills you have developed as an independent researcher.

The EPQ is a special Level 3 qualification that is neither an A level nor an AS level. It is worth 50% of an A level in terms of UCAS points.

Why study it and what skills does it develop?

An ever-growing number of universities are becoming aware of the attractions of the EPQ. It is an excellent way of developing a broad range of study skills that you will find invaluable at university, where you will increasingly be required to be an independent learner, and in the world of work beyond. It adds particular value to applications to Russell Group universities. This is especially so for Oxbridge applications, as it may become a discussion point in an interview. You will learn how to manage your time, how to prepare a professional-looking project and how not to get lost in the vast amounts of material in libraries and on the internet when undertaking research.

What prior knowledge and skills are required?

No prior knowledge is required. The most important skill you will need to have is self-motivation. This is a project you will be mainly managing yourself. Although your supervisor will provide an over-arching structure, you will need to set and keep to your own deadlines!

How is the course assessed?

The EPQ is internally assessed and externally moderated. Your project is assessed on the basis of four criteria. The first is how well you managed your project. The second is the extent of the resources you used and how well you used them. The third is quality of the final outcome, this being the final version of your essay, for example. The fourth is quality of your review of the project. This will be determined by the end-of-project presentation you give. Criteria one, two and four are worth 20% each and criterion three is worth 40%. It is very important to observe the relative importance of these figures. Put simply, the outcome of the project is worth 40% of the marks and the process of the project is worth 60% of the marks. If you produce a good essay at the last minute, but showing no resources and with poor reflection, you may struggle simply to pass.


The reading will be specific to your chosen project. 

Exam Board and Specification Codes

AQA 7993

"“I have really enjoyed my time èAV and would recommend this college to anyone. I learnt how to work more efficiently and revise more effectively thanks to the tutorials and weekly Timed Assignments, which also allowed me to prepare myself mentally for the exams from the first day. My history teacher was phenomenal. He managed to get me to reengage with the subject, as well as giving me all the support and help I asked for and more, giving me the knowledge and exams technique needed to achieve an A*.""


Grades achieved at èAV: A*AA Progressed to: Exeter University (International Relations)

"“The small class sizes proved invaluable for a number of reasons, some of which I did not anticipate. Aside from the obvious individual attention, the size of the class allowed for a lot of students’ questions to turn into a fruitful academic discussion. I have found the atmosphere at the college far more friendly and supportive than I expected. The support I had from my Personal Tutor was very helpful during the application process for university. I could tell that he really did care about my future and wanted to do everything he could in order to help me secure my place at my chosen university. Overall, I am pleased to say that my high expectations of èAV were fully met.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: AAB Progressed to: Southampton University (Business Innovation)

"“I have definitely made the right decision to come to èAV - my grades have gone from averaging Es to straight As. Teaching at èAV is much more personal and I felt like talking to teachers. They are very good and give you lots of support if you do not understand something. My Personal Tutor took me through the UCAS process step by step. We went through my Personal Statement many times to make sure it was completely perfect. I am very excited about my firm choice.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: AAA Progressed to: Warwick University (Chemistry)

"“As a dyslexic student who initially got CCEE for my AS, I was convinced that I could not achieve any higher. My time at èAV proved me wrong. Initially I was reluctant to move from my local school in York to a college so far away from home, my parents, and friends. At the end of my first year I was overjoyed to find that many hours of hard work and renewed revision techniques had resulted in me achieving three A's in my subjects. I wanted to continue at A2 as I knew it would greatly improve my university prospects and encourage me to work even harder. After two fantastic years at èAV I can emphatically say that going to èAV was the best decision I ever made.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: AAA Progressed to: Nottingham University (Philosophy)

"“Having a Personal Tutor to discuss ANYTHING with, from my UCAS application to organising my life in general, really did make life at the college more streamlined and in general less stressful.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: A*AA Progressed to: University of York (Law)

"“Honestly, I could not imagine when I joined èAV that, due to language and adaptation barriers, I would achieve top grades in my first A-level exam sittings. This view changed completely after only a few weeks in the college’s supportive and motivational environment; with teachers who aimed at finding a personal touch with each student and with my Personal Tutor who made my adjustment to the UK education system not only an easy step in my life but, more importantly, an enjoyable one.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: A*A*A* Progressed to: University College London (Economics)

"“International students have many aspects to think about, such as accommodation and guardians, but èAV surprised me by having a highly organised and supportive administration. Also, because most èAV Cambridge students are local, as an ‘international’ student, I found this very useful in both improving my English and in giving me a taste of a genuinely ‘English’ college.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: A*A*A* Progressed to: University College London (Mathematics and Statistics)

"“The teachers really helped me overcome any difficulties I came across; they always seemed willing to offer support be it inside or outside of the classroom. I could safely say my teachers inspired me to work hard and aim for the best, sometimes simply by being passionate about what they do.”"


Grades achieved at èAV: A*AABB Progressed to: King's College London (International Relations)

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