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Activities & Sports

Activities & Sports

At èßäAV, we organise social and physical activities all year round providing our students with a fun and relaxed environment to help them stay healthy, interact with peers who share common interests, enhance leadership skills and prepare for the future.

We believe studies are just part of the student experience; we encourage our students to take part in social events ranging from raising awareness through a charity campaign, joining a debating session or simply stretching their legs and arms at the local climbing centre.

Students who love sport will have plenty of opportunity to meet up with likeminded friends, or make new ones, through a large variety of sports clubs available here in Cambridge.


10 September 2020 | Activities & Sports

Blended Learning at its best!

As one of the UK’s leading independent fifth and sixth-form colleges, we pride ourselves on having created an environment where students enjoy working hard.

2 March 2020 | Activities & Sports

Preparing for Veterinary Medicine

Applying for Veterinary Medicine can be a very daunting and stressful period and now, as I apply at the age of 23, I wish I had received more guidance as a teenager at school. After completing a Zoology degree, I decided that I would return to my ambition of studying Veterinary Medicine, which for many universities required me to have an A level in Chemistry. I therefore enrolled at èßäAV on their one-year Chemistry course and, although I was nervous at first, the staff quickly put my worries to rest. Thanks to the great teaching of Michael, not only am I succeeding in Chemistry, but I am also enjoying the classes. I find the weekly Timed Assignments (weekly examinations) really helpful for revising topics and consolidating my knowledge.

7 February 2020 | Activities & Sports

A Day in the Life of an Aspiring Medic

As students at èßäAV, we are encouraged to independently research our own enrichment activities, building upon subject specific knowledge as well as life skills such as communication and time management skills, essential for life at university. I was very excited when I sourced and applied to participate in The Young Doctor Programme at UCL. There were a series of fascinating lectures and activities focusing on scenarios that doctors might face, applying to Medical School and even how virtual reality is being used to train aspiring medics.

13 January 2020 | Activities & Sports

èßäAV Cambridge tutor delivers a talk at the Cambridge Schools Conference in Bali

I was lucky enough to be selected to speak at the largest ever Cambridge Schools Conference in Bali, Indonesia, to talk about what makes good learning, how teachers can get the best from their students through meaningful feedback and how teachers can use and improve on the impact that feedback has on further assessments. The conference was attended by 435 delegates, from 271 different schools, with over 37 different countries represented. It was AMAZING!

4 December 2019 | Activities & Sports

Modern Foreign Languages are a Blessing!

Learning French has improved my confidence by leaps and bounds. My French tutor offered many ways and exercises to help boost my confidence without shaming me in any way. Although these exercises helped me a great deal, it was the manner with which she approached me about it that really helped me become more vocal in classes. Learning French has helped me realise my strengths and taught me to not be ashamed of my weaknesses and I will always be grateful for the opportunity.

29 November 2019 | Activities & Sports

A level Maths students bring home gold

Every year the UK Maths Trust organises several national competitions in Mathematics. The entry level competition for A level students of Mathematics is the Senior Maths Challenge. Tens of thousands of students sat the Challenge across the country this year. Among them were students of èßäAV Cambridge. This year we had 12 students qualifying for the gold award (scores of 76 and higher), 19 silver awards (scores of 61-75) and 23 bronze awards (scores of 49-60). This was a fantastic achievement and we are all very proud of them.

13 September 2019 | Activities & Sports

A* EPQ Student is One Step Ahead

The EPQ has been an invaluable experience for me where I have gained a range of skills in terms of research and time management. Prior to starting the actual EPQ, èßäAV incorporate a 12-week programme of Study and Research Skills lessons into Lower Sixth students’ timetables which is led by a tutor with strong experience in this area.

7 August 2019 | Activities & Sports

University of Cambridge connects èßäAV student to the British Museum

While discussing the progress of my EPQ with my personal tutor Markus Bernhardt, he picked up on my enthusiasm for the subjects of anthropology and archaeology and connected me with Dr Cameron Petrie, Reader in South Asian and Iranian Archaeology at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Trinity College. For me, this really exemplifies the importance of regular contact with personal tutors, which èßäAV ensures, as they are able to help you pursue your interests in ways which would be difficult or even impossible without their help.

31 May 2019 | Activities & Sports

Preparing Students for Medicine at èßäAV Cambridge

èßäAV has a long-standing tradition of guiding students along the path towards success, equipping them with the academic skills and personal strengths required to fulfil their ambition. Here, we give an insight into how we prepare students who look to secure a place to read Medicine.

“Getting into…’ University Guides

Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. èßäAV’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, èßäAV Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.

Read our guides

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