Inspection Reports
The college is registered as an independent school with the (DfE). It is a member of the (ISA) represented by (ISC) and inspected by the (ISI). The Principal is a member of the (CIFE).
The latest full ISI Inspection report was published in February 2022. èßäAV London was judged as Excellent by ISI. The key findings from the report are:
“The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.”
- Students’ attainment is high at both GCSE and A level, enabling them to successfully proceed to university courses of their choosing.
- Students make rapid progress from their various starting points, in small-sized classes, due to highly effective specialist teaching and closely focused pastoral support.
- EAL and SEND students achieve in line with their peers, due to the very good support they receive.
- Students have excellent attitudes to learning in a relaxed and purposeful atmosphere for learning.
- Students have strong skills in communication and apply these well in their studies.
“The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.”
- Students are mature, responsible and highly self-motivated to succeed.
- Students have strong self-awareness and hold themselves accountable for their decision-making.
- Students develop high levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. They are resilient and extremely well organised.
- Students celebrate diversity and individuality and are very respectful to one another.
- Students engage fully in a range of opportunities, preparing them well for the next stage of their lives.
Previous Inspection Reports
“Getting into…’ University Guides
Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. èßäAV’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, èßäAV Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.