Tutors & Staff
SALLY POWELL read English, Drama and Theatre Studies at Royal Holloway University of London. Having taken a PGCE at University College, Oxford, she then completed an MPhil and DPhil in Victorian Literature at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. Prior to joining èAV she was the Principal of Collingham College and is a former Chair of the Council for Independent Further Education (CIFE).
Vice Principals
SEÁN BUCKLEY read English at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford and subsequently completed his PhD in 19th Century Irish Literature at Birkbeck College, London. Before joining èAV he was Principal of LSI Independent College and Regent College, London.
SIMON HORNER read Biology at the University of North London. He subsequently held a number of senior science teaching and lecturing positions in schools and universities and became Head of Faculty for Sciences and Mathematics at èAV in 2010. He co-ordinates the college’s preparation programme for prospective medical, dental and veterinary students.
DEE ROBINS read Physical Education with QTS at the University of Brighton. Prior to taking up her current position she was Associate Deputy Head at Roedean School and, before that, Head of PE at Parliament Hill School. She is the college’s Designated Safeguarding Lead.
RACHEL SHERMAN read Geography at the University College London and obtained her PGCE at the Institute of Education, where she also completed an MA in Geography. She is an Advanced Skills Teacher and before joining èAV held a number of school leadership positions, including the Vice Principalship of David Game College.
Director of Operations
CHRISTINE GAVIN read Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Exeter. Before joining èAV in 2001 she worked for a telecommunications firm and for the Office for National Statistics. She leads èAV’s Registry team and is a Director of Studies.
Heads of Faculty
MATTHEW CARMODY read Philosophy at Queens’ College, Cambridge and has an MPhil and a PhD in Philosophy of Language from King’s College London. He became Head of Faculty for Social Sciences at èAV in 2018. He is èAV’s co-ordinator for Oxbridge and the author of Getting into Oxford and Cambridge.
DUNCAN CHAMBERLAIN read Geography and Political Science at the University of Birmingham. He has run his own business, served as a school governor and, prior to joining èAV, was Head of Sixth form at Trent College, Birmingham. He is Head of Faculty for Humanities and the Head of Professional Development.
Directors of Studies
ANNA ARDIZZON read Modern Languages at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Before joining èAV in 2018 she taught in a number of schools in Italy. She is also a qualified dance instructor.
SOFIA BONGIOVANNI read Classics at the University of Birkbeck and completed her Masters degree at University College London. Prior to joining èAV she worked for UCL as a postgraduate teaching assistant for Advanced Latin and Greek.
CHARLOTTE BURNETT read Theology at Durham University where she also completed her Masters degree. Prior to joining èAV she worked in recruitment in the finance sector.
PHILIP CARR read English Literature at Queens’ College, Cambridge and has an MA in Victorian Studies from the University of Leicester. He has held the position of Head of English at a number of other schools, most recently at Ealing Independent College.
JACQUELINE CHEN read English at Southeast University and subsequently gained an MSc in Translation and Translation Technology at University College London, where she also completed a PGCE. Prior to joining èAV she taught Mandarin and mathematics at Kensington Park School.
EMMA FRANCOIS read Drama and Theatre at the University of Kent. Prior to joining èAV in 2024 she taught languages and drama and worked with students with special educational needs in number of schools.
NAEEM GOFUR read Physics at University College London. Prior to joining èAV in 2024 he was physics lecturer at Uxbridge College.
SUSANNAH GORDON read English Literature at the University of Sussex, where she also completed a Masters degree. Prior to joining èAV she worked as a tennis coach before becoming a research assistant for a financial services company.
OLGA KUZNETSOVA read Linguistics at Moscow State Linguistic University and subsequently gained an MA in Applied Linguistics from King’s College London. Prior to joining èAV she taught EAL in schools here in the UK and overseas.
ETTIE NEIL GALLAGHER read Philosophy and Theology at the University of Oxford before completing a Law conversion at City University and completing her LLB at the Inns of Court School of Law. She also has PGCE and CELTA qualifications from South Thames College.
EGLE PLIOPLYTE read Linguistics and English Teaching at the University of Greenwich and subsequently gained an MA in Applied Linguistics from King’s College London. Prior to joining èAV she taught English at a number of schools and colleges.
JONATHAN PRATT read Combined Studies at Coventry University. Prior to joining èAV he taught English at Abbey College and DLD.
EOIN RAFFERTY read English at Trinity College Dublin. He joined èAV in 2013 and became a Director of Studies in 2017.
UNICE WALRAVEN read Business at Arden University before subsequently completing an LLB in Law at the University of Law. Prior to joining èAV she was Head of Year 13 at Harris Academic St John’s Wood.
RYAN WRIGHT read Drama at the University of East London, where he also completed a PGCE. Prior to becoming a qualified teacher he worked in retail management.
PETER ZHAO read Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London. Prior to joining èAV in 2018 he was a mathematics teacher and Personal Tutor at Lansdowne College.
Head of Academic Support/SENDCO
Amy Sivadasan
Head of Personal Development
NIKKI MORRIS is a qualified specialist in mental health support and safeguarding. Before joining èAV in 2020 she was Head of Student Support at David Game College.
Teaching Staff
ANA ABAD JARA* BA, Murcia, MFL; MA, London, Comparative Literature; MEd, Cambridge, Language Acquisition
ANAKHA ANSON BSc, MSc, Physics, Kerala; MA, London, Education
ANNA ARDIZZON BA, MA, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Languages
ROY ASHMAN BA, Nottingham, American Studies
CHARLES ATKINS BA, Warwick, Politics and International Studies; MA, Warwick, International Security; PGCE
VUMA BALAKRISHNAN BEcon, National University of Malaysia, Economics; MEd, Manchester, ICT
SOFIA BONGIOVANNI BA, Birkbeck, Classics; MA, UCL, Classics, PhD, UCL, Classics
LORENZA BOSCAINI-GILROY BA, Venice, Modern Languages; MA, Westminster, Translation
KATE BRETT BA, West Surrey College of Art and Design, Three-dimensional Design
SEAN BUCKLEY MA, Oxford, English Language and Literature; PhD, London, 19th Century Irish Literature
CHARLOTTE BURNETT BA, Durham, Theology; MA, Durham, Theology
LISA BYRNE MA, Royal College of Art, Photography; PGCE
JOHN CAMERON* BA, Southampton, History and Politics; MPhil, Cambridge, History of Art
MATTHEW CARMODY** BA, Cambridge, Philosophy; MPhil, PhD, London, Philosophy of Language
PHILIP CARR BA, Cambridge, English Literature; MA, Leicester, Victorian Studies
BIRGIT CASSENS BA & BSc, Kiel, English & Chemistry, MA, Kiel, Education
DUNCAN CHAMBERLAIN* BSc, Birmingham, Geography and Political Science; PGCE
CECIL CHAN BSc, London, Chemistry; PhD, London, Chemistry; PGCE
MARK CHEESEMAN DipRA, Royal Academy School
JACQUELINE CHEN BA, Southeast University, English; MSc, London, Translation with Translation Technology; PGCE
FRANCES (CHEN-YING) CHIANG BSc, Taipei Medical, Pharmacy; PGCE, UCL, Mandarin
RICHARD CORBETT MA, Cambridge, Natural Sciences; PhD, Belfast, Laser Plasma Physics; PGCE
DAVID COSTIN* BSc, London, Mathematics.
LOUISE DE LA HEY BSDip, London, Fine Art
DRINA EVANS BSc, Edgehill, Information Systems; PGCE
OUXING FENG BSc, Tsinghua, Nuclear Engineering
ENIO FERNADES BSc, King’s College London, Computer Science; PGCE
KONSTANTINOS FOSKOLOS* BA, Athens, Media Studies; MSc, UCL, Child Development; DPhil, Oxford, Child Psychopathology
CARMELA FRANCO BA, Palermo, Classics; DPhil, Oxford, Sicilian Amphorae
EMMA FRANCOIS BA, Kent, Arts in Drama & Theatre
FEI-TZE FU MA, London, Mathematics Education; PGCE
CHRISTINE GAVIN* BSc, Exeter, Computer Science and Mathematics
VALERIA GIVONE Licence ès Lettres, Geneva, Modern Languages; MA, London, French Literature
MARK GLANVILL BA, Liverpool, Modern Language Studies
SUSANNAH GORDON MA, Sussex, English Literature
ALLA GOSTICK MA, PhD, Herzen University, Russian and Education
ROBERT HEGGIE* BA, Southampton, History; MA, London, International History
STUART HUMPHREYS* BSc, Nottingham, Chemistry and Molecular Physics; PhD, Bath, Chemistry
SIMON HORNER** BSc, North London, Biology
GREGORIS IOANNOU* BA, Athens, Fine Arts; MA, University of the Arts, Fine Art (Painting)
LUKA KATIC BA, Economics, Novi Sad; MA, Cognitive Science, Vienna; DPhil, Experimental Psychology, Oxford
JIM KENT BEd, MA, Manchester, Business Economics and ICT
OLGA KUZNETSOVA BA, Moscow State Linguistic University, Linguistics; MA, London, Applied Linguistics
JOHN LAUGHTON MA, Cambridge, Mathematics; PGCE
KATHERINE LUCAS Cert Ed, London, Art
JONATHAN LUKE* MA, Cambridge, English
CLIVE LONG BA, Open University, Mathematics
BRIAN LYNCH – BSc, Keele, Chemistry & Geology; MA, OU, Education, PGCE
EAMONN MARREN BSc, Kingston, Sociology; MA, Goldsmiths’ College, Sociology; PGCE
RICHARD MARTIN* MA, Cambridge, English
ADRIAN MCMANUS BSc, Exeter, Chemistry, PGCE
ANDREW MCROBBIE MSc, Manchester, Chemistry
DAWN MELLS BA, Nottingham Trent, Combined Humanities; MA Education
ANDREW MOORE BSc, London, Psychology; MSc, PhD, London, Research Methods and Psychological Assessment
AMELIA MULLINS BA, London, Textile Design; MA, Royal College of Art, Textiles
ETTIE NEIL-GALLACHER BA & MA, Oxford, Philosophy & Theology; PGCE
STEVE PETFORD MA, Cambridge, English; PGCE
PAPOULA PISHEHVARAN BA, Tehran University of Art, Fashion and Textile Design
EGLE PLIOPLYTE BA, Greenwich, ELT and Linguistics; MA, King’s College London, ELT and Applied Linguistics
DENIS PLUM BA, Wolverhampton, Biological Sciences; MSc, Aberdeen, Human Nutrition
SALLY POWELL BA, London, English and Drama; MPhil, DPhil, Oxford, Victorian Literature; PGCE
JONATHAN PRATT BA, Coventry, Combined Studies
EOIN RAFFERTY BA, Trinity College, Dublin, English
IMRAN RAHMAN BSc, City, Sociology and Political Economy; MA, Middlesex, Criminology
PETER RAPPS BA, Oxford, Mathematics; PGCE
SARAH RATCLIFFE* BA, Oxford Brookes, Law and French; MA, London, Applied Linguistics
ARIAN REXHEPI BSc, Prishtina, Electrical and Computer Engineering
FELIX ROBERTS BSc, Leeds, Sustainability and Environmental Management
GAIL ROBERTSON BA, West Surrey, Ceramic Design; PGCE
DEE ROBINS BA, Brighton, Physical Education; PGCE
JACK ROBINSON MEng, Imperial College London, Mechanical Engineering
ALAN SHAW LLB, London, Law
RACHEL SHERMAN** BA, University College London, Geography; MA, Institute of Education, Geography; PGCE
ISABEL SIMOES RODRIGUES BA, London, Spanish and English; MA, King’s College London, Portuguese Studies
KATIE SMALL BA, EST Tennessee State, International Affairs & Japanese; Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching, Kings College
NICHOLAS SOWICZ BA, Oxford, Mathematics
CAROLINE STEELE BSc, Robert Gordon’s Institute of Technology, Mathematical Sciences; PGCE
EVA STRAUSS BA, Cape Town, Economics; PGCE
CHRISTOPHER STUTTARD BA (Econ), Manchester, Economics; PGCE
OLIVIER TAROT Maîtrise, Université du Mans, Foreign Languages and Literature; PGCE
KIT TEMPEST-WALTERS BA, Warwick, Philosophy; MA, PhD, London, Classics
ANTONIO TORRISI BSc, Turin, Material Science; MSc, Imperial College, Science Communication; PhD, UCL, Chemistry
JESSICA VILTAKI BSc, Hertfordshire, Biological Science; MSc Hertfordshire, Molecular Biology; PGCE
DEREK WALL BSc, London, Archaeology; PhD, UWE, Environmental Politics
GARRICK WALLES BSc, London, Chemistry
UNICE WALRAVEN BA, Arden, Business; LLB, University of Law; MSc, Brunel, Psychological Sciences
OLIVER WATT BA, Napier, Business Studies; PGCE
GEMMA WESTON BA, Wolverhampton, English
ANDREW WHINNETT BSc, Kent, Physics and Astrophysics, DPhil (Oxford) Mathematics
LAURA WILLIAMS MA, Edinburgh, English Literature; Postgraduate Diploma, City, Current Affairs Journalism
DONNA WILSON MA, BA, DipLaw, London, Law; PGCE
MARK WITHERS BA, Nottingham, Economics; PGCE
JONATHAN WONG BSc, Imperial, Medical Science; MA, Kings College, Biomedical and Molecular Sciences; PGCE
RYAN WRIGHT BA, London, Drama Applied Theatre and Performance; PGCE
MICHAEL WROE BA, East Anglia, Media; PGCE, University of Wales, English; PGCE, Oxford, Psychodynamic Counselling
FLORENDIA YIANNOULLOU BA, London, Modern Greek and English
BEN YOUNGMAN BA, MA, Slade, University of London, Fine Art
CHEIKH ZEKRAOUI BA, Glasgow, Finance; MPhil, Glasgow, Monetary Economics; PGCE
PETER ZHAO MEng, Imperial College, London, Biomedical Engineering
*Head of Department
**Head of Faculty
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