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Success Stories

Success Stories

Our International Students’ Success Stories.

"I found changing to the A level curriculum and being taught in a sixth form school environment a significant experience that I greatly enjoyed. The atmosphere at èßäAV is friendly and productive. This is because all my class mates are eager to understand the topics and the tutors are keen to explain any questions we have. This leads to riveting and worthwhile discussions, and surprisingly some of them even came out in the exams. The small class size and the Personal Tutor system allowed me to get intense support in both academic matters from my tutors and university application from my Personal Tutor. At èßäAV, I had to work extra hard for my weekly timed assignments - these regular and continuous reviews turned out to be very beneficial at end of the academic year. I really enjoyed my two-year experience at èßäAV and appreciate my academic results that I wouldn't have obtained if I had gone anywhere else."


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*A*AA Progressed to: Imperial College London to study Aeronautical Engineering

"I am very happy with the two years that I spent at èßäAV London - the college provides everything students need to achieve their best possible results. Small class sizes made lessons more interactive and interesting, and the teachers are highly educated and very friendly. Furthermore, the teaching is very exam-oriented which helped me to gain confidence in sitting my A level exams as I was very familiar with the questions that I would be asked. The surgery system at èßäAV (where students can receive additional, one-to-one support) was very useful as well - it allowed me to improve my preparation for my physics exam as I spent time with my tutor on my own going through complex concepts and past papers. Another great feature of èßäAV is the Director of Studies system. My DOS always helped me, and in particular with my UCAS application which meant that I got offers from all of the universities that I applied to. "


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*A*AA Progressed to: London School of Economics to study Accounting and Finance

"I chose èßäAV because a family friend recommended it to me, and I really liked the location of the college as well. The small classes at èßäAV are really helpful: I used to be afraid to speak out in class but here the teachers are really approachable and I feel comfortable. Although I was at my old school for a really long time, I found it easy to settle in to èßäAV. It is such a welcoming place, it’s easy to make friends and anyone who is new fits in within a week. My favourite thing about èßäAV is being given more responsibility to manage my time and my work. My most memorable experience at èßäAV was settling in and learning more about the British culture – most people at èßäAV are British which made it easier to learn and adapt very quickly. I would definitely recommend èßäAV. "


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*A*A*A*AAA Progressed to: Sixth Form at èßäAV

"Everyone at èßäAV is genuinely really nice and friendly, so it was easy to settle in and my friends really helped me and introduced me to British culture. The teachers are really helpful too and are always willing to spend extra time with me, explaining everything thoroughly and making sure that I understand. I have been very well supported by my personal tutor Adam, who has been helping me a lot throughout the whole year, especially with applying to university and preparing for interviews. He has been very supportive of my studies as well and suggested ways that I could improve my results in class. I really like the timed assignment system at èßäAV. It enables me to keep track of my learning and also it meant that I was continually revising and reviewing my work during the course of the year and I felt really well prepared for my A level exams."


Grades achieved at èßäAV: AAA Progressed to: Biomedical Sciences at the University of Newcastle

"I have loved èßäAV. The class sizes are very small and it is easy to ask questions. The teaching is really interactive and they all care so much about the students and are here to help whenever you need it. In my opinion education is not about how you look or dress so I was glad to have the freedom not to wear a uniform and to be who I wanted to be. èßäAV is really supportive, no-one judges anyone and each student to develop in their own way. When I first joined I saw my Director of Studies once a week to support me and I really appreciated her help. Then when I was older my Director of Studies helped a lot with my UCAS statement, suggesting what to include and perfecting it with me. I honestly don’t think I would have got any university offers without their help. "


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*A*A* Progressed to: Veterinary Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College

" I wanted to transition into the English schooling system and èßäAV seemed like the perfect place to do that: it is very supportive and I have found it to be a great working environment. The teaching really brings all of the students together and the small classes allow for proper discussion of topics enabling students to absorb information which really worked for me. My favourite thing about èßäAV is the close knit environment in which every student can be supported. It’s perfectly balanced – there are enough students to make friends with but not so many that it is overwhelming. Sometimes I struggle to keep focussed but my teachers and Director of Studies have helped me a lot with that. I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award at èßäAV which was a great experience and taught me a lot about cooperation and teamwork."


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*ABB Progressed to: Ancient History at the University of Birmingham

"I believe èßäAV has been the best choice for me who was looking for an exam-focused system that would help me to get into one of those world-class universities in the UK. Every element of school curriculum was built for my academic development. My school timetable was designed to be flexible which allowed me to explore various career opportunities that enriched my UCAS personal statement. Although constant revision tests and timed assessments might have stressed some of my classmates, I found them quite useful as I could locate my current academic performance and set higher goals for summer exams. My Director of Studies and tutors were the major key in my development. They astonishingly understood not only my weaknesses but also strengths as they maximised the small class size to help us reach our academic potentials. I appreciate their support and kindness during my time at èßäAV. The school has provided its students individual customised guidance in their UCAS application. As a foreigner having no idea regards to the UCAS, èßäAV staffs were indeed like a beacon in the middle of ocean for me. Having lived in multicultural countries such as Australia, the diversity amongst èßäAV students was one of main reasons why I found no difficulties at all in the UK. I could easily find like-minded friends from all places in the world that widened my world view. "


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*AA Progressed to: International Relations at LSE

"My Personal Tutor was very supportive of my choice to switch to the two-year course midway through my first year at èßäAV, implementing a bespoke programme for me that allowed me to complete Business Studies during the first year, before focusing on my other two subjects, Economics and Maths, for the second year. He also guided me when I had questions about the different degrees I had in mind, providing me with sources and books to read about the different subjects, which then helped me make my final decision for my university course. The college is study-focussed and this really shows with the very helpful Timed Assignment system every week. Small classroom sizes also allowed everyone the chance to speak up without feeling intimidated, promoting invaluable discussions throughout the lessons."


Grades achieved at èßäAV: AAB Progressed to: Philosophy and Economics at Manchester University

"I must admit that before I came to èßäAV I did not know exactly what I wanted to study at university level. In Kazakhstan, I was taught Science through books, with experiments being a rare thing. I generally found this to be rather boring and not at all intriguing. However, during my first year at èßäAV, my perception of Chemistry changed significantly. I started enjoying the classes and soon came to realise that despite being challenging, Chemistry was incredibly exciting and life applicable. In class, theories were often followed by experiments, where we had an opportunity to hone our practical skills, which also aided my in-depth understanding of each topic. Throughout my A levels I received a lot of guidance and support from my Personal Tutor. Not only did she help me with my university application, but we organised a personalised revision timetable, which proved to be particularly useful in preparation for the exams. I would like to say that the college has taught me two things: firstly, to not be afraid of making mistakes, as it is part of a learning process, and secondly, that all the hard work will eventually pay off."


Grades achieved at èßäAV: A*AB Progressed to: Chemistry at UCL

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Getting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. èßäAV’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, èßäAV Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.

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