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Parent Comments

Two years ago, A. commenced at èAV having transferred from Millfield School. She arrived with DEU grades from her AS levels, and a history of never achieving her potential at previous schools.

“We always knew that she had the ability to succeed. A. made a decision to concentrate more on her academic studies and effect a change. However, there is no doubt that èAV gave her the environment and opportunity to do this. Moreover, èAV gave her the personal confidence to be successful, together with the teaching resources and expertise

AAA grades in A’s A levels are a fantastic reflection of the effort that she made, supported by the èAV team. We truly believe that you have given Alex every chance now to be successful, and not just academically.” – Parents of a two-year A level student

AAA grades in A’s A levels are a fantastic reflection of the effort that she made, supported by the èAV team. We truly believe that you have given Alex every chance now to be successful, and not just academically.” – Parents of a two-year A level student

“We read the testimonials on your web site before J went to èAV and, to be completely candid, thought they were too good to be true. Fanciful testaments to stratospheric academic results and places at gilded universities. We assumed these were students who got As and Bs who needed A*s. When we took J, who had a BTEC, to see èAV they saw something in him, were calm, encouraging and professional. J did two A Levels in one year. Last month he got an A and a B and is off to Newcastle University. Not sure what to say.

Was it sleepless nights? No.
24-hour study and rigorous revision torture chambers? No.
Academic alchemy with a fortuitous question spotting formula? No.

It was focused, professional, dedicated tutors teaching students to succeed and treating them like adults. We realize this sounds too good to be true, it isn’t. Thank you.” – Father of a one-year A level student

“It was fantastic to see G get her great results and place at University. Thank you so much again for your help. I know she felt very happy and supported by you and her teachers at èAV. We could hardly have believed 18 months ago that she would be where she is today. You all gave her a vote of confidence and an opportunity, and to her credit she grabbed it with both hands. It was a great and empowering experience. Please pass on our grateful thanks to her teachers. – Mother of a one-year A level student

“We had heard very good things about èAV, both from research and contacts. In the event you materially exceeded even those high expectations. As you know H came to you after a extremely challenging four years health wise and, as a consequence, had not been in full time education for the majority of that period. As a result of èAV’s great teaching, individual attention and terrific pastoral care, coupled, of course, with H’s ability and work ethic, he has secured a place at Cambridge to read French and Russian. We cannot think of any other educational establishment that could have been better suited to realising H‘s ambitions.” – Father of a two-year A level student

“We would like to thank you for the continued support that has been offered to our daughter during her time at èAV. We have been delighted with the quality of the academic instruction given, the availability of staff to discuss progress and the personal care that has at all times been shown. We have been particularly delighted with Philip Carr as K’s Director of Studies. Even in her more challenging moments you have been there for her and us at all times. We are delighted with K’s grades and we look forward to her progressing to university this September. We will recommend èAV to our friends and wider circle.” – Mother of a two-year A level student

“I wanted to thank you and the team for your support and guidance for C over the past 12 months. He has made huge strides and speaks very positively about his experience at èAV – which has been an enjoyable one for him! C is absolutely thrilled to have got a place at UCL – it is a great achievement for him and I think an excellent fit.” – Mother of a one-year A level retake student

“I think you may be aware that my eldest daughter attended èAV a few years back, her previous school advised that she should not apply to “red brick” universities and she was predicted CDD at A level. After attending èAV she accepted a place at Bristol University (after attaining very high A level grades) and has just graduated with a high 2:1. Our son R received his A level results yesterday and attained 100% in his Politics A level! He completed your course in a year! He has just accepted a place at Exeter University to read Geography (his number 1 choice that he could not get a place on prior to starting at èAV). I wanted to take the time to write this mail to say a big thank you to all of your staff, without your excellent tuition skills and dedication my children would not have the opportunities that now present themselves.” – Father of two A level students

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