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Support & Progress

Support & Progress

Each student is assigned to a Personal Tutor. The Personal Tutor team consists of senior management, including the Principal, who carefully supervise the progress of students. The Personal Tutor team is passionate about its role within the College and upholds our mission of turning student academic aspirations into reality. The role of the Personal Tutor is to lend personal support to students’, watching over academic progress, university applications and general welfare. Supporting our ethos of an open community, Personal Tutors keep in frequent contact with subject tutors and parents and fully commit to helping and encouraging students under their care.

Parents are warmly welcomed to communicate with Personal Tutors on a regular basis and informal meetings between parents, students and tutors provide a constructive forum for assessing progress. We support and monitor our students attentively, setting high standards regarding punctuality, attendance and work completion. Our Personal Tutors believe in a policy of quick intervention regarding student performance to help ensure that every one of our students’ has the greatest chance of success. We encourage parents to access our excellent intranet site providing helpful information on the weekly Timed Assignment performance of students. We want the best for our young people and this is why we work in close partnership with parents. We provide an extensive reporting system with reports going out twice in the Autumn term, twice in the Spring term and once in the summer.

Our Personal Tutor system is something we are proud of because we know it plays an important role in the educational success of our students. As educators we are here to make a difference and as Personal Tutors we will go that extra mile.

"Through frequent assessment, teachers and leaders keep a keen eye on pupils' progress. Pupils welcome their teachers' feedback. Leaders use the information to identify any pupil who is underperforming. They arrange support quickly so that pupils can catch up without delay."

Ofsted Inspection Report 2018

"Pupils have extremely positive attitudes to learning due to the high quality of teaching and individual support they receive. They work hard and are determined to succeed. Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary."

Ofsted Inspection Report 2018

“Getting into…’ University Guides

Three Getting Into guide book coversGetting into higher education may be the toughest challenge you’ve faced yet. èßäAV’s careers guidance and university entrance guides can help you pick the right course and the right university, and give you valuable UCAS form help. Written by experts with a wealth of knowledge, èßäAV Guides are set out in straightforward language. They give clear, practical advice to help you win a place on the course of your choice.

Read our guides

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