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Parent Comments

Parent Comments

“A huge thank you for all the support you gave to my son in his A level year at èAV. It was a huge relief to us that you recognised his educational and academic needs so quickly and that you were able to liaise effectively with his former school. The in-depth tests he sat with you highlighted exactly where he needed help, which you then secured for him. Your clear report outlining precisely what he needs in order to perform at his best helped him gain excellent A level results. I am reassured also that your recommendations and reports can be taken forward to his university studying life. Overall, the confidence that he now has, knowing he is very capable academically will serve him as he continues on this next stage and then into the future.”

Parent of an A level retake student (UK)

‘It is almost impossible to describe the turnaround that all of you at èAV have achieved. Two years ago we had a boy who was basically lost to us and lost in his previous school’s system heading for some mediocre grades in his diplomas. Over the last two years you have created a young man with a keen curiosity in his subjects and a real enjoyment of learning and understanding.

The A level results are of course great but I am actually most impressed with Nathan’s emergence as an intellectual person who can challenge ideas and think things through creatively.Results like this do you and his teachers at èAV great credit and you all have the eternal thanks of me and Jane for what you have achieved.’

Parent of student (UK)

‘I just wanted to let you know how grateful M. and I are to Frankie for all his help and assistance in what has been a very challenging year both in terms of Covid and encouraging M. to work for his A levels.

He has been kind, supportive and patient and helped both of us immeasurably even when everything looked to be going completely pear shaped.

He “got” M. immediately and very much worked with him helping him to organise his life as well as his work.

Parent of student (UK)

‘Max got two A* in Maths and Business Studies and an A in Physics.

Please can you pass this on to his tutors without whom he wouldnot have made the grades nor believed that he could…both are important.

Again huge thank yous to you. I am shoutingabout you and have already passed on your details to friends who are not so happy with the outcomes and will do retakes!

Parent of student (UK)

‘We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your care of Steven. It’s was a pleasure to have you as his personal tutor, to make this year very fruitful for him. Steven always mentions that without your strong guidance, it would have be more difficult for him to overcome the hard times.’

Parent of student (International)

‘Oh my goodness, we are over the moon! You should have seen the pair of us this morning. We phoned Steve to tell him and Fred shouted “I’ve smashed it” while I danced around his bedroom yelling “he’s going to be a doctor!” Thank you so much for everything you have done over the last two years.’

Parent of student (UK)

In what has ended up being an extremely challenging year for teachers, pupils and parents, èAV, from the interview stage to results day, has provided clear and concise and timely communication at all points of the year and therefore avoided unnecessary speculation and confusion. The unfaltering support from an academic and pastoral perspective exceeded our expectations and has resulted in my son who was resitting his A levels becoming a confident and driven individual who has succeeded in his endeavours despite the COVID landscape which has been a challenge for all.

Parent of student (UK)

‘A huge thank you to Frankie, Markus and all subject teachers that my son was lucky enough to meet and learn from. As a result of this year’s experience, we are now planning that my son’s brother also attend èAV Cambridge to sit his 2 year A level course.’

Parent of student (UK)

‘We are very pleased with our daughter’s result and extremely excited about she has now fulfilled her dream.We both know that she worked extremely hard and was determined to obtain the best possible results, however your personal assistance, her other teacher’s professionalism and dedication, and great support from èAV made her life easier and her goal more achievable.I’d like to say thank you for being there for our daughter, encouraging and assisting her whenever she needed in the past year. We would also like to pass on our sincere thanks to her teachers for their hard work, patience and excellent knowledge and skills. As a family we are extremely grateful how èAV had helped us for the past year.

Parent of student (UK)

‘Our daughter has received her A level result. We are all so proud of her. I would like once again to pass on my sincere thanks to her Personal Tutor and her teacher for all their support and effort this year. The experience and the result have played a huge role in building her confidence and self-belief.’

Parent of student (UK)

‘I wanted to thank you and èAV for all that you have done for our daughter. She asked for a second chance with A levels, and you gave her the opportunity and the help she needed. Our daughter is delighted with her results. She is a much happier and more confident person than she was a year ago and is looking forward to the next stage at the Newcastle University. Thank you!

Parent of student (UK)

‘I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone at èAV Cambridge, teachers and staff members, for the help and support offered to our daughter. Enrolled only for the last year of A-Level, she was happy during her studies, improved her knowledge, increased her results and she made some friends also. The dedicated teaching staff, small number of students in classes, the constant tests and continuous evaluation helped our daughter to achieve her personal target and to receive offers from selected universities.As a parent, who was in close contact with school, I can say that I’ve always received the requested information and support from èAV’s staff members and I am grateful for that. I wish I have enrolled our daughter at èAV from the first year of A-level.’

Father of a one-year A level student (International)

‘As I have said before, we wish we had discovered èAV earlier. We have appreciated the quality and characters of staff that we have encountered at èAV. Kudos to you all.’

Mother of a student (UK)

‘èAV has something special to offer and I think it’s worth shouting louder about.Our son entered the U17 County Championships and won an event. He has now been invited to compete in the County Schools Track and Field Championships. Without èAV’s acceptance of our son and yourflexible approach to education, young athletes would always have to choose between their sport and a school’s inflexible timetable.èAV has given our son back to us. He’s made some lovely friends and never been happier.’

Parent of student (UK)

‘We areabsolutely thrilledwith our son’s fantastic A level results and want to say a very very big thank you to you and all the staff at èAV. From the instant I spoke with you last August I was hugely reassured that retakes were the right path to take and that èAV was the right place to do them. I have been so impressed with èAV’s staff and teaching methods and the results speak for themselves.’

Mum of an A level retake student (UK)

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